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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Doggie Doo Bagged But Not Thrown Away - How Come?

Dog crap on 17th St near Ord - Bagged but left under a tree
Every once in awhile, I see bagged-up poo left outside, often at the base of a tree. This seems to be a semi-pattern.  Can anyone out there help me understand what these dog owners are thinking?

On one hand, I'm pleased the doo is bagged. On the otherhand, it's rather unsightly.

Is the semi-pattern occurring because good Samaritan dog owners are picking up behind other owners? Or is there a good reason dog owners sometimes leave the stuff behind outdoors?


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  1. No I don't think so. Good dog owners will pick up the poop and toss it into the trash - either a city bin or a black bin along the sidewalk. Otherwise they should carry it (or as a neat trick make their pup carry it) until they find a bin or get back home or to their car. Period.

    At least that is what we do and would expect others to do. Just sayin.

  2. .... oh, I so agree with you. Why is it that these pet owners can't bag their dog poop AND discard it at home. Does this action of leaving it bagged but left at the base of a tree or anywhere other than a garbage bin/can help alleviate ther guilty conscious ..... " well, at least I picked it up instead of leaving it on the ground " ....... :p

  3. I don't think these inconsiderate people want to smell the poo in their home trash cans.
